Tina Docs
Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference

For most simple cases, you should be able to leverage the Tina Client's generated queries to do your data fetching:

const myPost = await client.queries.post({ relativePath: 'HelloWorld.md' })

In more advanced cases, you may want more control on the underlying GraphQL query. In these cases you have two options:

  • Extending the auto-generated client.queries by writing a custom query.
  • Use client.request, and write an inline query.

Extending the auto-generated client.queries

The client can be extended to perform more advanced queries (including querying multiple root collections at once), by adding queries to the tina/queries directory. All files that end in gql or graphql in this directory will be added to the client.

Tina generates custom GraphQL fragments to be used in custom queries so that the queries will not have to be updated when the schema is updated.

Note: These fragments can be seen in tina/__generated__/frags.gql

Example of tina/queries/postWithNav.gql:

query postWithNav($relativePath: String!) {
nav(relativePath: "nav.json") {
post(relativePath: $relativePath) {

To get autocomplete in your GraphQL files add a graphql.config.js that points to tina/__generated__/schema.gql and tina/__generated__/frags.gql.

Note: fragments are named by using the collection name (capitalized) followed by "Parts"

We are using a PostParts & NavParts Fragment here. For each collection, this fragment is generated and updated when the schema is updated. You can view any available Fragments for your schema in /tina/__generated__/frags.gql.

Once the query is added, the client will have its types updated so that it can be used to request the new query.

import { client } from '../[pathToTina]/tina/__generated__/client'
// Use the client to perform data fetching
// Here, it fetches a single "post" item
const myPost = await client.queries.postWithNav({
relativePath: 'HelloWorld.md',

Writing inline queries

If you want to avoid using the types on the client altogether, you can also just write an inline query using the client.request function.

import { client } from '../[pathToTina]/tina/__generated__/client'
// Use the client to perform data fetching
// Here, it fetches a single "post" item
const myPost = await client.request({
query: `query getPost($relativePath: String!) {
post(relativePath: $relativePath) {
variables: { relativePath: 'hello-world.md' },

For more information on writing custom queries, check out the querying reference docs.

Last Edited: August 13, 2024