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Querying Content
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Querying content


As mentioned in Introduction to Data fetching, Tina provides a client for querying content.

Note, for advanced use-cases, you can also manually query the underlying GraphQL API.

Querying a single document

import { client } from '../[pathToTina]/tina/__generated__/client'
const myPost = await client.queries.post({ relativePath: 'HelloWorld.md' })

In the above example post is the name of the collection being queried. This can be replaced with one of your schema's defined collection names.

Querying a list of documents

const postsResponse = await client.queries.postConnection()
const posts = postsResponse.data.postConnection.edges.map((post) => {
return { slug: post.node._sys.filename }
// This would return an array like: [ { slug: 'HelloWorld.md'}, /*...*/ ]

<collection-name>Connection can be used to query a list of documents (in the above example, our collection name is post).


Filters can be added as an option to your <collection-name>Collection query.

const postsResponse = await client.queries.postConnection({
filter: { title: { startsWith: 'Vote' } },
// ...

The following operator types are available for querying

eqEqualsstring, number, boolean
inOne ofstring[], number[], boolean[]
gtGreater thanstring, number
gteGreater than or equal tostring, number
ltLess thanstring, number
lteLess than or equal tostring, number
startsWithStarts withstring
Only gt, gte, lt, lte, after, before may be used in ternary conditions.


Sorting can be added as an option to your <collection-name>Collection query.

const postsResponse = await client.queries.postConnection({
sort: 'date',
// ...
Sorting on multiple fields

Here we will query our post collection with postConnection and sort the results first by category and then by date using the multi-field index named category-date:

const postsResponse = await client.queries.postConnection({
sort: 'category-date',
// ...


Tina supports cursor-based pagination:

const postsResponse = await client.queries.postConnection({
first: 10,
// ...

One caveat to using the built-in queries on the client is that you can only query one root collection at a time. If you have a page that has multiple forms on it, you may need to use custom queries.