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A custom component can be passed and rendered by setting the ui.component property on a field. This component completely overrides the original component, providing the user with the ability to fully customize the field.

Providing your own component

A field's ui.component property is a React component that accepts three props:

  • field: The field definition for the current field.
  • input: The data and callbacks necessary to make an input.
  • meta: Metadata about the field in the form. (e.g. dirty, valid)

Checkout the react-final-form docs for a more detailed description of the input and meta props.

Custom Component Example

Here is a custom slider component that can be used for adjusting image saturation.

A basic slider custom component

import { defineConfig, wrapFieldsWithMeta } from 'tinacms'
//.. other fields
label: "Image Saturation",
name: "saturation",
type: "number",
description: "My custom saturation field",
ui: {
parse: (val) => Number(val),
// wrapping our component in wrapFieldsWithMeta renders our label & description.
component: wrapFieldsWithMeta(({ field, input, meta }) => {
return (
// This will pass along props.input.onChange to set our form values as this input changes.
<br />
Value: {input.value}
Note: in this example, parse is also needed. Read more about parse.

Using pre-built components

Tina also provides a variety of pre-built components. To specify these, the ui.component property should be configured with the string name of the registered field plugin.

Below is a list of default fields.

Default Field Plugins

Tina also supports some add-on field plugins. These need to be imported and registered from separate packages:

Configuring a field plugin

Each field has a unique set of properties that can be configured within the schema.

For example, if you take a look at the color field plugin's definition, it takes a colorFormat property. We can configure that in our schema like so:

// ...
type: 'string',
label: 'Background Color',
name: 'color',
ui: {
component: "color",
colorFormat: "rgb"
// ...

Video Tutorial

For those who prefer to learn from video, you can check out a snippet on "Customizing Components" from our "TinaCMS Deep Dive" series.