Tina Docs
Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference

Collections represent a type of content (EX, blog post, page, author, etc). We recommend using singular naming in a collection (Ex: use post and not posts).


nameThe name of the collection
pathThe path (relative to where the CLI is running) to a folder where the content is stored.
formatThe extension of all the documents in this collection (Default is "md"). Must be one of "md", "markdown", "mdx","json", "toml", or "yaml".
match.includeA glob pattern (without the file extension) that will be used to match a subset of the files in the path folder.
match.excludeA glob pattern (without the file extension) that will be used to exclude a subset of the files in the path folder.
labelA human friendly label that will be displayed to the user
fieldsAn array of fields
templatesAn array of templates
defaultItemAn object or a function that returns an object. The object that is returned will be the data used as the default data when a new document is created.
frontmatterFormatThe format used to parse the frontmatter. This can be "yaml" ,"toml", or "json". It defaults to "yaml"
frontmatterDelimitersThe Delimiters used for the frontmatter for a document. This is what Has type string | [string, string] . The default is ---. Read more about delimiters here
ui.filenameSee Filename customization
ui.beforeSubmitThis function is called before the form is submitted. If values are returned from this function they will be the values used to submit the form. (optional)
ui.globalA boolean that if true will make this collection Global. (optional)
ui.routerA function that takes in a document and returns the route for it. If nothing is returned the basic editor will be used. Read more about visual editing here(optional)
ui.allowedActions.createIf this is false, the create button will not appear in the collection list page. See example. (optional)
ui.allowedActions.deleteIf this is false, the create delete button will not appear in the collection list page. See example. (optional)
ui.allowedActions.createNestedFolderIf this is false, the create folder button will not appear in the collection list page. See example. (optional)
Note: Must provide only one of fields or templates but never both


The name of the collection that is used in the GraphQL schema. A name can only be used once and an error will occur if two or more collections have the same name. This name cannot have spaces, dashes, or special characters. It must be a valid GraphQL name. We recommend using singular naming in a collection (Ex: use post and not posts).


The path to a folder where the content is stored. By default, the path is relative to where the CLI is running but this can be changed by using the --rootPath CLI flag. Paths do not have to be unique across collections as long as a different format or match is specified. The CLI will print a warning if there are overlapping documents.


The file extension of all the documents in this collection. (Default extension is "md"). Must be one of "md", "markdown", "mdx","json", "toml", or "yaml".

The format is used to determine the parser that will be used to parse the document. The format is also used to determine the extension of the file when a new document is created. We do not support more then one format per collection but you can work around this by doing the following:

// Fields for all posts
const fields = [
// an array of fields
export const defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
name: 'posts',
label: 'Blog Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
format: 'mdx',
name: 'posts-json',
label: 'Blog Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
format: 'json',


A glob pattern that will be used to match a subset of the files in the path directory.

The provided pattern does not have to include the file extension. The extension will be added automatically based on the format of the collection. The final pattern that is used will be determined by match, format and path.


For example, if you have a collection with the following:

path: 'content/posts',
match: {
include: '*',
format: 'md'

The final pattern used would be content/posts/*.md

Basic Syntax

  • ? matches a single character
  • * matches any number of any characters (except /)
  • [abc] matches any one character in the given set
  • [a-z] matches a range.
  • {foo,bar} matches any whole word in the given set

Some common glob patterns

Don't match subdirectories *


path: 'content/posts',
match: {
include: '*',
format: 'md'

Matches all files in content/posts folder but does not match subdirectories. It would match content/posts/hello-world.md but not content/posts/subfolder/foo.md

Match on a single file


path: 'content/config',
match: {
include: 'index',
format: 'json'

This matches a single file content/config/index.json. It will not match on anything else.

Match on a set of files


path: 'content/config',
match: {
include: '{foo,bar}',
format: 'json'

This matches on content/config/foo.json and content/config/bar.json. It will not match on anything else.

Match on a set of files with a prefix


path: 'content/config',
match: {
format: 'json'

This will match on content/config/foo-bar.json and content/config/foo-baz.json. It will not match on anything else.


This works the same as match.include but will exclude any files that match the pattern. This is useful for excluding files that you don't want to be editable or that are a part of a different collection.

The resulting pattern is the same except that it is prefixed with !


Example with match.exclude

path: 'content/posts',
match: {
exclude: '**/index',
format: 'md'

This will exclude all index.md files from your collection.


The default item that will be used when a new document is created. This is useful for setting default values for fields. The default item can be a function that takes in the collection and returns the default item. This is useful for setting default values that are based on the collection.

Note: This will not update existing documents. It will only be used when a new document is created.

Default Item Example

export default defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
name: 'posts',
label: 'Blog Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
format: 'mdx',
defaultItem: () => {
return {
title: 'New Post',
date: new Date().toISOString(),
fields: [
name: 'title',
type: 'string',
name: 'date',
type: 'datetime',

Now when a new document is created the name and date fields will have default values.


Basic Example

export default defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
name: 'posts',
label: 'Blog Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
format: 'mdx',
fields: [
// An array of fields

Example with router and global

export default defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
name: 'posts',
label: 'Blog Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
format: 'mdx',
ui: {
router: ({ document }) => {
// navigate to the post that was clicked
return `/post/${document._sys.filename}`
fields: [
// An array of fields
label: 'Global',
name: 'global',
path: 'content/global',
ui: {
global: true,
format: 'json',
fields: [
// An array of fields

Example with default item

export default defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
name: 'posts',
label: 'Blog Posts',
path: 'content/posts',
format: 'mdx',
defaultItem: () => {
return {
// Return a default title and the current date as the default date
title: 'new post',
date: new Date().toISOString(),
fields: [
label: 'Title',
name: 'title',
type: 'string',
label: 'Date',
name: 'date',
type: 'datetime',

For more information check out the content modeling docs

Example with allowed actions

export default defineConfig({
schema: {
collections: [
label: 'Navigation',
name: 'navigation',
path: 'content/navigation',
ui: {
// Don't allow editors to create new navigation items
allowedActions: {
create: false,
delete: false,
createNestedFolder: false,
format: 'json',
fields: [
// An array of fields

Last Edited: March 1, 2023