Tina Docs
Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference
Table of Contents

If you are not using Next.js but are using Netlify to host your site, you can deploy the Tina Backend as a Netlify function. This function will be responsible for handling all TinaCMS requests. This includes the GraphQL API, authentication, and authorization.

If you want to see Netlify functions in action, check out the demo repo


Create a file called netlify/functions/tina.{ts,js} and add the following code:

// netlify/functions/tina.{ts,js}
import express from 'express'
import type { RequestHandler } from 'express'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
import ServerlessHttp from 'serverless-http'
import { TinaNodeBackend, LocalBackendAuthProvider } from '@tinacms/datalayer'
import { AuthJsBackendAuthProvider, TinaAuthJSOptions } from 'tinacms-authjs'
import cors from 'cors'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { databaseClient } from '../../tina/__generated__/databaseClient'
const app = express()
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }))
const isLocal = process.env.TINA_PUBLIC_IS_LOCAL === 'true'
const tinaBackend = TinaNodeBackend({
authProvider: isLocal
? LocalBackendAuthProvider()
: AuthJsBackendAuthProvider({
authOptions: TinaAuthJSOptions({
secret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET!,
debug: true,
app.post('/api/tina/*', async (req, res, next) => {
// Modify request if needed
tinaBackend(req, res, next)
app.get('/api/tina/*', async (req, res, next) => {
// Modify request if needed
tinaBackend(req, res, next)
export const handler = ServerlessHttp(app)

Since Netlify Functions do not support catch all routes, you will need to add the following to your netilfy.toml file.

node_bundler = "esbuild"
from = "/api/tina/*"
to = "/.netlify/functions/tina"
status = 200
force = true

Next make sure to update your TinaCMS config to use the new endpoint.

// tina/config.{js,ts}
export default defineConfig({
// This is the url to your graphql endpoint
contentApiUrlOverride: '/api/tina/gql',

Now you can run your site locally with the netlify dev command

Last Edited: September 4, 2024